Trollbeads dream necklaces, with small gemstones mixed with pearls and secured with a silver clasp
Phong cách vòng cổ mới từ Trollbeads

Dream Necklaces

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Vòng cổ đá quý

Gemstones have, throughout history, been associated by many cultures to have
mysterious powers, meaning and significance.
Choose between two beautiful gemstones necklaces, that might even have properties beyond beauty.

The Necklaces needs a clasp to close. Please note that clasps are sold separately - Use one you have or add a new clasp.

Dây chuyền Balance Necklace

Handcrafted gemstone necklace with Black Rutile Quartz, White Onyx and Freshwater Pearls.
A necklace to enhances your intuition and be emotionally stronger. Bring balance to your mind, and keep your feet on the ground.

Dây Chuyền Dreams of Energy

Handcrafted gemstone necklace with Citrine, Golden Rutilated Quartz and Freshwater Pearls.

A necklace to Increase, and clarify personal energy, will, power and
happiness. Make your life easier, lift your mood and attract love.

Hoàn tất chiếc vòng cổ bằng một chiếc khóa cài

Xem tất cả
Rose Clasp
Wish list
Jessamine Clasp
Wish list
Basic Clasp, Silver
Wish list
Big Flower Clasp, Silver
Wish list

'Đây là lúc để chiều chuộng bản thân của bạn và những người khác

Trollbeads christmas bracelet

Let it snow

Explore the delightful jewelry collection of the season.

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Christmas theme background with a Growing love Bracelet

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